
Posted 14:59 by Denis Yakovlev in

tgb6yhn4rfv The aim- of taking 'pain relief. medicati_ons_ is to ma*ke sure that th,e pain contr_ol is co'nstant. Pain-killer ad,diction tre.atment ce'nters 'do their *best to cure the+ patie+nts & ad-opt new tech.niques. If yo'u live' in a bi,g city and .have little -children y*ou are at r+isk of ge+tting il'l with so_me allergy,. Vitamin D in milk_ helps y*our _bones. When it co.mes t.o vitamins,_ each h_as a special role 'to play*. It- is high time* for you to kn.ow -what measures' should b+e taken not to f-all i+ll with b_acterial i.nfection. _Preferabl_y eat fruit & ve_getable+s raw. It's +generally_ best to cook *t'hem in as littl-e water as+ possibl.e. Tradition,al pain relie.ving* medications are +no -longer effective .when it *comes to -really seve+re pain C.holes.terol is found- in certain* products we *e-at, such as dair+y pro*ducts, eggs, an'd meat. Yo-u may fee-l blue from ti*me to time,, 'but if you o.ften think +about suicide _it may b,e depr,ession! Ast-hma is more c+ommon in Af-ric+an American chil.dren than ,in white chil,dren, fo.r some reas_on. Before .antib_iotics, c'hildren, suffered severe .compl,ications .from routine ch.ildh_ood ailments. Ev-en if y-our doctor pr.escribed yo-u with. a drug you. should b.e ready f,or side effe'cts & comp_licati.ons. April is a_ particularl+y hard mont_h for al*lergy suffer'ers beca+use both tree' & gr.ass pol.len are at peak*. What- can we off_er you *if you are alrea-dy ill with 'an infec*tion,? Try our p-remium quality ,antibiotic! -Ea-ting too much +saturated' fat leads to- excess chole-sterol i'n the, blood stre'am. Is you,r diet healthy?. Take *the brand- new human_ growth hormone -pills ,and wa*tch your .IGF-1 levels shoo,t through 'the roof "L,ow fat" lab_els on+ food are misl+eading. .They c,ontain more chol.esterol +than you ne,ed or want.' I't's not clear -if over'using Albuterol _increases t*he r*isk of a fatal, attack, b.ut you'd b'etter not ab*use _it. When you're' tak_ing pain-rel,ief medication*s fo-r many years, y*our ne+rvous syst-em suffer,s greatly. 'Popular 'cholesterol-low+erin*g drugs called sta+tins ma.y slightl-y rais*e the risk of_ type 2 di+abetes Vitam-ins make it+ poss.ible for othe_r nutrient_s to b'e digested,* absorbed & m.etabolized by .the. body. Peopl,e of sho+rt stature often *conside,r growth ho.rmone'. The letter spe*cifi+c to men with thi.s g'oal in mind. Bei*ng -overweight is a r,isk fa-ctor fo,r heart dise-ase. It, also tends to i.ncre'ase your chole'sterol. Ea,ting hea*lthier produ.cts with small-er calorie. intake i,s vital to_ ov.ercoming obesity &' ge,tting slim. Since +th'e time when I st*arted taki,ng this ama+zin*g medicat.ion, women' call me 'pas+sion'! Tell yo'ur do'ctor about *all the s+ide effects you' observe wh'en takin-g prescr+iption painki+llers. -If you- had to give your.self a g_rade for ho.w well you co*pe -with pain, _are you A, _F or in between+? Be_tween 50s and 7-0s, the s*uicide rate_ among male,s aged bet_wee.n 15 and. 24 more than trip'led_. What medication*s ar'e available t.o low*er cholesterol, l*ipids, and ,trig+lycerides? A+ll inf-o's here! .Serious depress.ion req,uires serious t*rea_tment! And _serious treatment- should be* gu.ided by a doc*tor. As_thma together with- allergy i+s- one of the most 'comm,on health p,roblems in* the United State+s. _Painkill.er addictio-n is sprea,ding like a pl'ague and kil'ling_ people all over- the world. 'Be,ware! General pr-inciples of, asthma -manageme+nt and .control are not ve'ry diffi-cult. Bu*t they re'quire atte_ntion! The +pain of arthr.itis. can be so _painful t'hat it can' keep a person f.ro-m walking & getting_ out 'of bed. Vita+min A is r-eferred _to be a vitam.in f_or growth and* body rep-air. It is +essen+tial for you+r health!. Cholesterol. is eas-ily measure'd in a blood sampl,e. S'o, why wait?. Check .your blood and -be sure!. No matter. how dee+p is the econo'mic' crisis, your masc,uli+ne power and healt,h *require atte*ntion!!! S.ome peo_ple stay on th_e same +dose of p*ainkillers, for many months a,nd the drug' is stil*l effe,ctive. Men o+ften devel,op erection+s in non-s*exua-l situations. For* example+ when sl+eeping.* Try to use it! Do -you kn+ow what are t.he* risk factor-s for de*veloping an ad,diction t-o prescrip*tion pa*inkillers? Sex _is so*mething that ev'eryone nee-ds and likes! -And if_ impotence dep,rives *you of' it, act fast! *You should +not be afrai-d of obesi,ty jus+t because' your relative,s are -not all- slim! But .be prepared! +Discover, the special a*sthma .dietary tip-s you must _know if you 'have .this bre+athing proble,m. It *helps! We offer, you a b.rand new +analgesic. I_t works by blo.cking su'bstances i,n the body -that cause +pain. Ther_e is no+ limi_t to how l,ong you can *take pai'nkillers. Y_ou don't have to- worry abo-ut ,overdose. If- you fight. with severe* obesity wi_th crash die*ting you *should be re'ady to rega-in weig.ht v'ery soon. When+ impotence come,s and c.hanges- everything in y,our life,' it seems *to lea,ve no singl'e chance!' What stops bact,eria from* reprodu'cing are p'owerf-ul antibiotic_s. Don't* underest'imate the*ir effect! It- is not cat +hair t'hat causes some _of _the most u'npleasant .allergies. It is *shed from pe-t s_kin. As you -get older _your chol,esterol level in'creas+es as well. Lea,rn how' to co'ntrol it without -ef,forts! You can dete-ct peo+ple with hig*h cholester.ol by +extra +weight, heavy, breathing &. hung_ry look. Asthma is* v-ery common - 2.5 .million A.mericans & *300 m_illion p,eople worldwide ,have- asthma. This +medica+tion helped a +lot of people, to for*get abou-t their e.ndless pain.. Try the effect' yourse_lf! Negl_ecting medical- advice yo-u can al*so turn a* minor health ,prob+lem into+ a serious c_oncern. Don't _wait too l_ong! -Try our brand ne*w impotence+ tr-eatment! It'll, make your d,reams com+e true!- It is much easi'er, for young m-en to mai*ntain norma.l potency 'than for middl*e-age*d men! Horr.ible! Low +intake of antio*xidants fou'nd i_n vario*us fruits &, vegetables may a-lso incre+ase* allergy risk. .African Am+ericans *have an inc+reased i,ncidence of ,asthma than whi,tes+. Life is *a tricky th*ing… Cholest.erol tes+ts are reco*mmended for ev+eryone as _of _the age of t-wenty. Don't ,miss th,e moment_! Some antibiot_ics bec_ome less effect.ive+ if they are take_n with. food. D'on't make *such simple mista.ke.s! When impotence+ comes an'd cha,nges every*thing in your lif*e, it s_eems to l'eave no s+ingle ch_ance! Yo'ur bed is the per_fect e*nvironment ,for dust. mites; they l-ove to b_urrow into fa.bric a.nd skin ce,lls. Loss ,of erectio.n is reversible_; *one can usuall+y retur,n to a previous le_vel of ,arou-sal in some ti'me. Every yea+r n+ew and new +asthma trea,tment medic,ation o,ccur as the old on-es- stop being- effective. T_he new medi.cation off*ers you unmatc,hed _opportun-ities of happy* life *without pain! Tr'y it now-! HGH suppo*rts c-ontinued growth o-f the bo*dy till a-dulthood _and plays, important *role in metabo*lism,. With age y'our metab*olic rate dec,reases,- leading fatigue_ weig+ht gai_n, hyperte'nsion and aging+. More… O.ur envir+onmental sit.uation o'ften causes n'umerous al,lergies i*n people of a.ll ages *and races. Wi*nter weat*her is, in full swing, and so are_ the cold,s and f,lus th*e season brings, with 'it. Be careful! P+eopl+e think more ab'out the pro,blems' they have'. That i's why so many +men think _only -about sex. Qui,te often wom-en over th-e ag*e of 55 te*nd to have highe+r blood _cholester-ol lev+els than men. Your. penis- is the symbol +of your ma+scul,inity! What kin_d of, men you are 'if your+ penis doesn't+ work?, The more- obese a man is, t_he .more likely *they're to 'have medical p.roblems' related to +obesity.+ Asthma_ is the leadin.g cause of _chronic .illness in +children. _Protect yo'ur ,family tod'ay! These anti-biotics will, help _you protect you+rself* and your family ,fr.om all sorts of_ bac.terial infect-ions. V,itamins are or*ganic compou'nds r.equired as* nutrients in 'tiny am.ounts by ev*ery single or.ganis_m. Your brain, is responsib'le for a'll your .feelings. A'nd that chronic, pain* is not_ an excepti_on, seriousl_y! Thos_e nasty kilos ,of fat on ,your ass _is something th,at has be_en re*ally irritatin+g all *the time, .babe! There -are th_ousands o.f people who+ face problems* with, sex. Don't lose -hope if yo.u -are one of them. I-t'*s time to buy *the it*ems from your wish_ li,st – discount s_eason arr-ived at yo_ur door.way! Asth*ma was depicted a*s a d*isease rather+ tha'n a symptom by the. Eng+lish chemi_st Thomas Willis_ Research h_as shown t_h'at almost a'll varieties *of disease ca_n be, produced by defic+iency o,f vitamins.* Fre*quent stress a+nd tens.ion is not good 'for' people who s_uffer fro'm severe as+thma attacks. -There is n,o n,eed to 'save' .painkillers+ until y'ou are *very ill or- your pain i,s severe. Use t_hem no,w! High ch-olesterol me_ans no*t only strict- dieting a.nd exercises_; you 'can gain+ a lot of -weight as well. F.or anti*-agin*g benefits .of human growt,h hormone, y,our ,body shoul+d create the subs.ta*nce on its .own. Thi.s week we have a -surprise for* yo-u! We off+er you to buy bran*d n*ew antibiotic at +half ,price +only! We announc'e a s'eason of gr+eat discounts+! Hurry' up to b'uy antihist_amines at half pr,ice+ only! Asthm-a is a co_ndition in which- airflow +of the .lungs may b.e partia-lly blocked by_ swellin-g. Learning mo-re +about asthma trig-gers c_an help y_ou reduce the, ch+ances of ha'ving asthma*. Obesity' is caused bo_th by gen*es & lifesty_le ha'bits. Your family h.istory ,matters, ju-st l+ike your food!, HGH st-imulates protein 'anab'olism and serv-es to mainta*in the' blood gluc_ose and _insulin +levels. +More…. Achieve-ment of a, healthier w-eight &. health pro,blems avoidanc'e forces. people _to lose 'extra weight. Sta'tus a*sthmaticus i*s a *severe asthm.a attack _that doesn't ge,t bett-er as usual medic-ine is tak*en. W*e don't bel_ieve in miracl*es,- but we believ,e in' great power of m+edicine! Ch_eck- it out n*ow! Those 'who refuse medicati_ons d'espite bei.ng in se-vere pain are put_ting the*msel+ves at risk. S-tatisti_cally, men of low.er socio-e'co,nomic status te.nd t*o have serious pro+blems* with erecti,on. Even+ pop stars *often need hel+p of spe*cial- sexual powe*r boosting me+dications. D_on't w-orry man! Cho-lesterol can, build u+p on th_e inside th.e blood ves,sels o*f your heart_. That's no way' healt,hy! Staying+ relax_ed and stres's-free wil'l make the life. longer & p,rovide y,ou +with natural growt*h -hormone. Recent -research. find,s that use of h.igh-dose 'opioids does .not +significantly i*ncrease ,risk of death. .An-tibiotics do+ their job on b_acteria.l inf*ections like .strep throat., ear _infections 'and so on.- Growth hormone *is res-ponsib_le for growth', and cell pro'duction.* Without it o*ur b_ody ages _& gets tired.- Losing y*our body fat* may turn out _to *be a tough job.- But you sh,ould try th*e _alternati*ve medication! -Don't let' your hunger o*vercome yo-ur des+ire to look goo_d! Thin-k abou-t obese peopl'e and ki+ds. Bedbug+s are n-ot in fact da,ngerous. T.hey don't spr.ead -disease, their +bites ar.e annoying at mo*s,t. Vitamin A is w+ell -known for maintain-ing health+y c.ells in the* eye, r,equired for h_ealthy ,eyesight. Lo-ss of erecti,on is *reversible; one can_ usually r_eturn to -a *previous level of+ arousal .in some time,. D*epression is' one of the+ most stu-pid reason.s to end up- your life+ but still m-any *sufferers d-o so. Your- penis si*ze and thickness c,an b'e improved wi'th th.e help of this +brand new _Asian medica*tion! V.itamin's are essent,ial for the no-rmal .growth an+d development of _a every hu-man being' organism_. If y_ou are ove_rweight, you ma-y have inhe_rited it, +because it -has' a strong genet*ic compo-nent. Hig*h cholesterol 'is a risk fa'ctor 'for cor-onary artery dise'ase. .Does fatty food* deserve s'uch sa+crifice+? Sex is s'omething that+ everyone nee'ds a'nd likes! And- if impote*nce d.eprives yo'u of it, a-ct fast! As+thma is one of 3 c.ommon* causes of c*hronic cough -in childre+n. Be ca+refu,l with your kids. .Pain*killers are 1 *of the- most prescribe,d medicatio-ns, but t-hey h*ave some neg'ative side _effects. As_ians on aver'age, have an LD'L cholesterol le'vel 'of less than 9'5 becaus+e of t,heir low fat d+iet. Exerci'sing can *increase a per-son's* health but als'o gives .a huge ad,vanta-ge in fig,hting arth-ritis pain. If -your pai+n improves, y*ou can s+ometimes be pre.s,cribed a milder pai+nkill+er than y-ou take. +Antibiotics wo-n't work for. you if yo.u 'suffer from a c*old or flu! Vi+sit -your doctor if *you feel ba_d*! All you need is. sex'! To make. sure your_ life is full of se'x-, try out this b-rand' new medica-tion now! There 'is no n,eed to, 'save' paink-illers until* you are* very ill o*r your+ pain is seve-re. Use th.em now! My wife* d*id her best t.o help me an'd suppor.t me when i*mpotenc-e came, but even-tually .she gave *up. Vita-mins are necess*ary _in small amounts -for nor'mal metabo*lism a.nd good health. Re*member it! 'T'here are a number+ of symptoms+ asso+ciated wit_h asthma. Ever-y a*sthma suffer'er shou+ld know it! Wint.er weather* is in f*ull swing an.d so are. the colds and ,fl*us the sea,son brings with+ it. Be ca_reful! Wo*men often- have a *common p-roblem known m+edically, as dysmenor*rhea painful .periods. It, is… .This month+ we guarant*ee you 3,0% discount fo'r all ch*oleste-rol lowering me'dications y_ou bu+y! We offer y_ou a ch*ance to i.mprove your se.xual health, and -your financial 'conditions! I+n my work, I often me*et people +suf,fering from' steady pain. Thi+s medicat*ion usuall'y h'elps them a-ll. Your dep+ression wo+rries me+ just as much as _it w'orries yo_u! I want to give, you _some valuable_ hints! B,enefit. of tryi-ng out alternati.ve therapies -is tha.t you m-ay find pain reli+ef opt-ions working. for yo-u. Thos_e men who know* what i'mpotence is also_ k'now the true* value o-f good sex! T+his is* a way out! T*he risk _of antibiotic a,ssociate,d diar+rhea rises wit+h how oft.en and how .long the drug -is tak_en. Forty- percent of non-+Hispa*nic Blacks- and nearl_y one quar.ter of Mexi_can Americ'ans are* obese. The body'_s metaboli*sm requir*es vi_tamins as well* as _carbohydrates, fa*ts,* minerals & other. foods. *Asthma- affects- people differ'ently. -Each is unique in .their d'egree of reac.tivity to +trigger_s. Phar-macists fro.m all ove'r the world hav.e -been trying t_o find a* pain killer that 'will su-it ev'ery pain. .Today you ca+n try out, the best pai+nkiller in* the world 'for le.ss that half o+f it-s price. Don'+t miss it! Unbel'ieva-ble effect c'ertai,n foods have o'n your choles-ter*ol level! Read more, to protec*t yoursel-f! _Checking pollen f,orecast du.ri,ng spring alle*rgy seas-on, you know wh'en it's. bette-r to stay indoor,s. Some pe.ople st.ay on the sam*e do-se of painkiller.s for many ,months an+d the dr+ug is -still effective. _Lear.n more about +men's most tr,usted m-ethods of stru+ggling, with imp+otence now! I re+member, *when my 'little son 'suffered fro*m horri*ble pain, I w,as r,eady to tak-e it all but, I could-n't. Cholest+erol is i+n dairy, foods, fa*st foods, l,iver, chocola'te, re_ady-prepared food+ & 'many other *foods. Unfortu'nately, 'antibio-tics do not cure _the common+ cold*, flu or any o+ther bad _vira.l infections. V+itamins can *per*form their work- in ver,y small quanti.ties & total' daily requ_ire.ment is _very small. If .you have a sev-ere asthma- it is_ vitall+y important +to know how .to use y.our inhaler cor'rectly*. Antibiot*ics are 'prescribed f'or respirat+ory infectio,ns, b.ut most are cau*sed ,by viruses not b-acte+ria. Attent.ion! Continued* use of a,ntibiot+ics can seriousl.y disru*pt the n_ormal ,ecology of the, body. dementia .hydrosalu-ric Synthr.oid (L'evothyroxin-e, Eltro'xin, Evotrox,, Thyrax, Euth,yro.x, Levaxin, L--thyroxin+e, Thyrox,, Eutirox, -Levoxyl, le*vothroid) +lidocain par,copa* trimetazidine B' Ba-ctrim (Co-trimox*azole, +trimethop*rim, sul-famethoxa_zole, Septra, s+eptra ds+, bactrim ds_, cipl.in, cipli,n ds, Septrin)' Tetracyc_line — Bact'erial Infectio,ns, Pne*umonia, .Antibiotic zyp+rexa laria*m 6 Viagra P*rofession_al (Si,ldenafil -citrate, viagr'a) 3.41% pr'otektor sp.ray +pain massage +oil Ophthac,are. Eye Drops Analgesi-c evis,ta mental _alertness Ri,sperdal [r.isperdal] +(Risperidone-, Ridal,, Rispolept, *Beli,von, Rispen) *Ocular Hype,rtension pro_solution L'ex*apro (Esc+italopram, Ciprale*x, Sipra'lexa, Sero-plex) _rablet le'vitra Clofazi_mine (lampren+e) Acne Ka,pika_chhu Skin Infe+ctions Chrom_om*ycosis lentoli-th tomoxeti_n Effexor (V+enlafax-ine, Efexor). Proben.ecid (B,enuryl, Bene'mid, Probalan) ge_neric via-gra 4 Vi'agra Supe-r Active+ (Sil*denafil c,itra,te) 5.41% a.rimidex Diamo_x (Ace,tazolam-ide) Pro ED Pack_ (Viagra+ Professio.nal + *Cialis Professi_onal) (sild_enafil _citrate, ta,dalafil,_ viagra, ,cialis) locoid .lipocre_am ansial s'umenta -Otibact '— Pets, Ear Infect,ion, Oti_tis Externa, In Dogs eca,prinil E'lidel C.ream [e-lidel] (pimecro+limus) Vytor_in (Ezet-imibe/Simvas,tatin, 'Inegy.) anthrax *Vantin (Cefpodox.ime) Cyclo+sporine .Eye Dro,ps — Dry Eye, _Tear Produc.tion, Kera.toconjunc'tivitis- Sicca clamp O,tibact' — Pets, Ear' Infectio*n, Otitis E,xterna_ In Dogs Zetia ,— Chol'esterol, Hyperli+pidemi'a, Sitosterol+emi'a, LDL, Tryglyceri_de. Azathioprine .(imuran*, Azasan) mest+acine mania .Bursi+tis xerosis al*lergy Psycho.tic Di.sorders Ps*ychotic Disor-der.s Laxative Kofle+t — Cou-gh, Bro.nchospasm flavedon ,mr Zanta'c [z_antac] (Ranitid'ine, H_istac, Raniti'l) Hydrochl-orothiazide —_ Diuretic,_ High Blo*od Pr-essure, Hypert_ension_, Congestive H.eart F+ailure,* Edema, Water Re+tention, Ki*dney Dis,ease Sh+uddha Gug,gulu Avapro —- High Blood Pre.ssure,, Hyperte*nsion, Diabete*s, Diabe,tic Nephro+pathy *Metronidazol'e Gel — R'osacea optic ne+uritis Relaf.en — +Osteoarthriti_s, Pain, ,Rheumatoid Ar+thritis,, Joi*nt Pain, Arthrit.is Spon'dylitis+ detoxifying viti*ligo _Herbolax* [herbola+x] Benign Intracran'ial Hy,pertension +glunat P-rotopic 'Ointment kar+ela Bayer ASA A_s+pirin (Acetylsal.icylic' Acid, ASA) o'rungal ofl,ox levo'dopa Trichin.osis Acular —_ Glaucoma br'is.king neem All-opurinol (Zyl,oprim, -Allohexa+l, Allosig, P+rogout, Z'yloric, P-uricos) .Geodon (Ziprasidon_e, Zel-dox) Motion Si,c-kness Meth_otrexate [metho_trexa_te] (MTX, ame'thopterin,, Rheumatrex, Em'thexate, M'ethobla,stin) 'rapilin triclof+em Femal_e Pink. Viagra — Fema_le Enhancem'ent, Female_ Libido', Decreased +Libido Diabe-tic Foot U*lcer Adef+ovir — Hepa+titis ,B lamivu.dine/zidovudine _Boniv+a (Ibandronic 'acid, ib-andronat-e sodium, 'Bondronat, Bonv_iva, osteo+poro*sis ) rowasa xeno_bi*d Vantin [vantin]* (C*efpodoxime) *Emla (Lidocaine,, priloc*aine, pai-n) dixarit k'lav-ox Macrobid (+Nitrofuranto,in, Furadantin_, Macrod+antin') veraplex Kamagr+a E-ffervesc'ent — Erecti*le Dysfunction,, Male' Enhancement, Ere.ction, ED-, Imp*otence claravi+s naltrex*one Neurob+ion Forte (.B1+B6-+B12) [neur_obionforte] Ant-ip*sychotic Caverta — _ED Su.lfasalazine -(Azulfidine, _Sala+zopyrin,) leg pain _Clonidine —* Hypertens'ion, High Bl,ood Pressur'e to_prol ciplactin Diar+ex Aci,dity zovira+x De-pendence amoksi+bos circon+yl Wellb.utrin SR [we.llbutrinsr,] (Bupropion,_ Amf*ebutamon*e, Wellbutrin, ,Zyban, Bud+eprion, Bup+rob.an) Neggra+m — Bacterial +Infections,. Antibiotic vi+agra jell-y viagr,a for women, miglit,ol Risper.dal (Ris.peridone, .Ridal, Rispolept, 'Beli'von, Rispen_) Avalide, (irbesar,tan, hydroch,lorothiazi_de) Desyrel_ (Traz,odone, Molip*axin, Dep+rax, Trittico,' Thombran, Tri-alodin,e, Trazor,el, trazadone, +B_eneficat, Bimaran, _Ma*negan, Pr+agmarel, Sideril, T_axagon, Th+ombran, +Trazalon, T,razolan, _Traz.onil) 3 C.ialis + Viagra Po*werpack (Ta_dalafil, S*ildena_fil) 7.4,0% Hair Loss* Laxa Tea Cap+sulitis *Caduet _(amlodip*ine, atorva.statin, Env*acar) c'ellcept farlutal+ Guduc'hi aval-ox Diflucan [d-iflucan] (Fluc+onazole,, Trican) -cefixime Birt'h Control +chlorquin' Dry_ Eye Asendin ['asendin] (am*oxa*pine, Asendis,, Defanyl, Demo*lox,, Moxadi_l) lopace Al*lopurinol (Zy.loprim, A,llohexal, A'llosig, Pro_gout, +Zyloric, P,uricos) cl+indamycin .gel enalagam+ma duom'ox Otitis _Media Skelaxin —+ Muscl,e Relaxant, Mu_scle Pa'in, Muscle S+prains,, Muscle Strains*, A*nalgesic, M*uscle Spasms

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