Уважаемые господа!
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию Мебель на заказ высокого качества,
которую Вы получите в сжатые сроки и по доступным ценам.
Заказав мебель по данному объявлению, Вы гарантированно получите
5%-ю скидку на всю корпусную мебель.
Внимание! АКЦИЯ!
Только в СЕНТЯБРЕ специальная скидка к началу учебного года:
- 10%-я скидка на компьютерные столы;
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"Kulik System KIDS" (см. на сайте);
всего за 1400 грн (стандартная комплектация).
- стойки-ресепшн - от 3500 грн;
- мебель для персонала - рабочее место от 2080 грн.;
- мебель конференц-залов и переговорных комнат;
- кабинеты руководителя;
- офисные перегородки, приемные зоны, пр.
Изготовление по индивидуальным проектам:
- шкафы-купе, встроенные - от 5500 грн;
- шкафы, прихожие - от 3500 грн;
- гардеробные - от 4500 грн;
- кухни, столовая мебель;
- спальни; гостиные; детская мебель;
- мебель для ванных комнат;
- домашние кабинеты;
- мебель для дач, загородных домов.
- стойки "Reception", административные стойки - от 3500 грн;
- мебель для баров, кафе, ресторанов, барные стойки;
- торговая мебель;
- банковская мебель;
- мебель для гостиниц и отелей, прочая специализированная мебель.
Мы обязательно заинтересуем Вас:
- высоким КАЧЕСТВОМ изготавливаемой нами мебели;
- очень ДОСТУПНЫМИ ценами;
- индивидуальным ПОДХОДОМ к каждому клиенту;
- ПРОФЕССИОНАЛИЗМОМ наших сотрудников;
- сжатыми СРОКАМИ, которые сэкономят Ваше время;
- БОНУС - выезд на замер, разработка проекта и доставка - БЕСПЛАТНО!
Удачных Вам покупок!
Наши контакты:
+38(044) 220-32-56
email: info-zakazat@list.ru
cайт : http://www.r-studio.com.ua
для отказа от рассылки: otkazatsja@ukr.net
13 сентября 2010, Одесса время 15.00 - 21.00 Анатолий Некрасов ВПЕРВЫЕ В УКРАИНЕ CEMИHAP-TPEHИHГ ДЛЯ BCEX "БИЗНЕС + СЕМЬЯ = СУПЕРУСПЕХ" |
Чаще всего, в жизни мы видим обратный эффект - семья и бизнес находятся в противоречии и мешают друг другу. Но это в корне неверно, и такого быть не должно. "Быть успешным" и "быть счастливым" должны стать для Вас тождественными понятиями. Как добиться этого? Об этом Вы узнаете! Приходите! До встречи! С уважением, Анатолий Александрович Некрасов Стоимость участия (без НДС) – 1980 грн. /чел. Количество участников ограничено! Регистрация участников по телефонам: /O48/ 777 45 38 |
У меня престарелые родители. Не так давно мама потеряла отца, с которым они душа в душу прожили всю жизнь. Мы хотели забрать ее к себе, но она отказалась напрочь – мол, дома ко всему привыкла, не хочу вам мешать и т.д. Тогда я попросила соседку за ней присматривать – заглядывать на чашечку чая, вместе ходить в магазин или на прогулку в ближайший сквер.
Позвонив однажды, я не получила ответа. Перезвонила соседке, та сообщила, что мамы нет дома. И тут соседка сообщила мне, что такое уже случалось однажды: у мамы, видимо, на фоне сильного стресса стали возникать кратковременные провалы памяти. Она выходила в магазин или в парк, а потом не могла понять, кто она и где находится.
И тогда я решила приобрести GPS трекер iTami 102, который при звоноке с сотового телефона на него высылает в ответ на авторизованный номер свои координаты в виде широты, долготы и скорости движения в километрах в час. Я аккуратно вшила его в сумочку с ключами, которую мама неизменно таскает с собой, и теперь я в любой момент могу узнать, где она находится. Также GPS трекер iTami 102 присылает ссылку на Google Maps, на которой отмечает свое положение, что дополнительно облегчает поиск.
На днях купила еще один iTami 102 для сына-подростка, чтобы вшить ему в рюкзак и иметь хоть какое-то представление о том, где он болтается после школы.
Спасибо за помощь! Вы делаете добро!
Валентина, 23 лет
GPS трекер iTami 102 можно заказать на сайте: http://members.multimania.nl/sicakuqu/
или по телефону: +7 (915) 328-71-32
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Baша pekлaмa выxoдит в yкaзaнные Baми cpoки;
По okoнчании PАCСЫЛи мы выcылaeм oтчёт;
Пpи 6eзнaлe - opигинaлы 6yx. дoк-тoв.
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> Обращайтесь! Произведем PАCCЫЛку наилучшим образом!
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ICQ: 406-259-029
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> -------------------------------
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Do you want a pleasant future, double in money, and the respect of all?
Today only:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 6 weeks with our program!
~Our program will help ALL with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Just think about it...
- Just follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a good way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
If you want to get better - you must Contact us 24 hours to start improving your life!
You must leave us a voice message with your phone number with country code if outside USA and name and we will call you back as soon as possible.
It is your move...
Make the right decision.
Best regards.
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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How much would you pay for a higher education for a improved life. agalactic accumulation acinarious
Hi there!
Do you want an improved future, soar in money earning power, and pat on the back :)?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will help ALL with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Just follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a much better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a splendid way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
Call us 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! to start improving your life!
You must leave us a message with your phone number with country code if outside USA and name and we will get back to you asap.
It's your way...
Make the right decision.
Best regards.
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Уважаемые господа!
Наша Мебельная компания предлагает Вам изготовление
мебели на заказ высокого качества по сниженным
ценам и в сжатые сроки.
Изготовление мебели для офисных и административных
помещений ( рабочее место 2080 грн.) , конференц-залов,
переговорных комнат, кабинетов, стоек-ресепшн.
Изготовление мебели для дома (шкафы-купе, встроенные
шкафы, гардеробные, кухни, столовая мебель спальни, гостиные,
детская мебель, мебель для ванных комнат, домашние кабинеты,
мебель для дач, загородных домов) по индивидуальным
- стойки "Reception" ( от 3500 грн.);
- административные стойки;
- мебель для баров, барные стойки;
- торговая мебель;
Почему Вас может заинтересовать наше предложение?
Мы изготовим для Вас мебель высокого качества - на 10%
дешевле от цен других производителей!
Удачных Вам покупок!
Наши контакты:
+38(044) 220-32-56
email: info-zakazat@list.ru
cайт : http://www.r-studio.com.ua
для отказа от рассылки: otkazatsja@ukr.net
How are you!
Do you want a prosperous future, soar in money, and brownie points?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 4 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let ALL with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Just think about it...
- Follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a splendid chance to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
Call Us 24/7 to start improving your life!
You must leave us a voice message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we will contact you as soon as possible.
It is your move...
Make the right move.
Best regards.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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~Our program will let EVERYONE with professional experience
gain a 100% verified Degree:
If you want to get a degree in 4 weeks with our program, call us:
Please, leave a message, we'll call you back asap.
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How are you!
Do you want a suitable future, increase in money earning power, and the respect of all?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and work experience.
Get a Degree in 4 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let EVERYONE with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Realize YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a good chance to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
If you want to get better - you must Call us 24 hours a day to start improving your life!
You should leave us a message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we will get back to you asap.
It's your decision...
Make the right move.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Мы предлагаем микрорассылки по специализированным базам.
Наше преимущество:
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Базы по городам: Крым, Киев, Донецк, Харьков, Днепропетровск, Запорожье, Луганск, Херсон.
Также можем собрать базу под Вашу конкретную задачу.
Цена и срок выполнения :
Продаем программы для массовых рассылок на электронную почту и доски объявлений.
Наши цены Вас приятно обрадуют!!!.
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Если вы не хотите получать наши рассылки – пришлите пустое письмо с темой «отказ».
Do you want a good future, increase in money earning power, and pat on the back :)?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let EVERYONE with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a much better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a best way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
Call us 24 hours to start improving your life!
You should leave us a message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we'll call you as soon as possible.
It is your decision...
Make the right move.
Best wishes.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Do you want a pleasant future, grow in earning power, and pat on the back :)?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and work experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let ALL with professional experience
gain a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- You can realize YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a exellent way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
If you want to get better - you must Contact us 24 hours to start improving your life!
Please leave us a message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we'll call you asap.
It is your chance...
Make the right decision.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Do you want a good future, increase in money earning power, and the recognition of all?
Today only:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and work experience.
Get a Degree in 6 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let ANYONE with professional experience
gain a 100% verified Degree:
- Just think about it...
- Just follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a nice chance to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
If you want to get better - you must Contact Us to start improving your life!
You should leave us a message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we will contact you asap.
It's your chance...
Make the right decision.
Best regards.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Hey bud!!
Do you want a pleasant future, double in money earning power, and brownie points?
Today only:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 4 weeks with our program!
~Our program will help EVERYONE with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a splendid way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
Call Us 24/7 to start improving your life!
You must leave us a message with your phone number with country code if outside USA and name and we will contact you as soon as possible.
It's your way...
Make the right decision.
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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So, you wanna be a VIP? StarsVIPCasino - We treat all our players like stars. Our Special VIP Players get VERY special bonuses!
Do you want a prosperous future, double in earning power, and brownie points?
Today only:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and work experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will help ALL with professional experience
gain a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a exellent way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
If you want to get better - you must Contact 7 days a week! to start improving your life!
Please leave us a voice message with your phone number with country code if outside USA and name and we will call you back as soon as possible.
It is your move...
Make the right move.
Best regards.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Try your luck online today! Experience the best and most fun games at Club VIP. +100 games and the greatest offers. More than what you expect. We are sure you will love it!
How are you bud!
Do you want an effective future, step up in money, and the recognition of all?
Today only:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will help ALL with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Realize YOUR Dreams!
- Live a better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a good chance to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
Call us NOW to start improving your life!
Please leave us a message with your phone number with country code if outside USA and name and we will call you as soon as possible.
It is your chance...
Make the right decision.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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How are you bud!
Do you want an improved future, go up in earning power, and brownie points?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and work experience.
Get a Degree in 6 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let ANYONE with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Just think about it...
- Realize YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a exellent way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
Contact us 24 hours a day to start improving your life!
Please leave us a voice message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we will contact you asap.
It's your way...
Make the right move.
Yours sincerely.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Dear Lady or Gentleman!
Do you want a pleasant future, grow in money earning, and pat on the back :)?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and work experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let ANYONE with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Think about it...
- Realize YOUR Dreams!
- Live a better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a nice chance to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
If you want to get better - you must Contact us NOW to start improving your life!
You must leave us a message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we'll contact you asap.
It is your move...
Make the right decision.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Do you want an extraordinary future, step up in money, and the admiration of all?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will let ALL with professional experience
get a 100% verified Degree:
- Just think about it...
- Realize YOUR Dreams!
- Live a better life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a good chance to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a short time.
Call Us to start improving your life!
You must leave us a voice message with your phone number with country code if outside USA and name and we'll contact you as soon as possible.
It's your chance...
Make the right decision.
Best regards.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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Do you want a suitable future, step up in money, and the recognition of all?
Special offer:
We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience.
Get a Degree in 5 weeks with our program!
~Our program will help ALL with professional experience
gain a 100% verified Degree:
- Just think about it...
- Follow YOUR Dreams!
- Live a wonderful life by earning or upgrading your degree.
This is a good way to make a right move and receive your due
benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper. Get one from us in a fraction of the time.
If you want to get better - you must Call Today to start improving your life!
You should leave us a voice message with your name and phone number with country code if outside USA and we will call you back as soon as possible.
It is your move...
Make the right move.
Yours sincerely.
Do Not Reply to this Email.
We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
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